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About Us

We bring solutions to challenges

IMS offers over 50 years of combined experience in EMS, Operations and Leadership.  Our diverse and global backgrounds lend to the expertise needed to facilitate this unique combination of EMS, Talent Acquisition, Education, Communications and Coordination.  

Based in beautiful San Diego, California, paramedics will embark on an incredible journey as they learn about EMS in the USA, while preparing for the National Exam - NREMT-P.

Meet The Team

Our Story 

In 2007, International Medic Solutions CEO Dannie Wurtz and COO Joe Wurtz traveled to Queensland, Australia where Dannie competed in the Asia-Pacific International Paramedic Simulation Challenge as part of a team of three paramedics.  After winning the gold medal at the JEMS Games in the U.S., the team was sent to Australia to compete against teams from around the globe where they once again took the gold.  Dannie and Joe would then spend the next several weeks touring Australia, learning about the country and the EMS systems.  During that time, they developed strong relationships and an understanding of the Australian EMS system and education process.  


In 2004 Australia EMS was developed .  AEMS is a group of professional paramedics, leaders and mentors who travel around the world and compete in International Emergency Medical Services Simulation competitions while networking and learning about other EMS systems. They bring those experiences back for the betterment of the Australia EMS system.   AEMS also coordinates semi-annual International Professional Development Opportunities in South Africa and the United States for both seasoned and student paramedics to learn how diverse EMS systems operate abroad.    These tours have become incredibly popular as they provide a unique hands-on experience and in-person demonstration of what our EMS system in the U.S. has to offer in select cities. 


During these tours, many students fall in love with the U.S. and have expressed a desire to explore employment opportunities, but were challenged with the process, logistics, credentialing and more; as a result IMS and AEMS teamed up to provide a seamless experience taking the burden off of the applicant and the provider.  Together, we have created a cross-continental partnership for those desiring to work in the U.S.  This unique opportunity provides the structure, logistics, applicant advocacy, education, licensing and continuity of process for future students and applicants to come.  


Solution to the problem 

EMS in the United States is facing a significant staffing crisis.  Operating costs, low insurance reimbursements, burn-out, sick calls and contract demands are costing agencies millions in wasted spending on overtime and penalties; this puts companies, contracts and most importantly employees and the community at risk.  EMS systems are looking for creative solutions.


Meanwhile, in Australia, a career in EMS is such a highly sought-out career path that Universities are producing more paramedics than the system requires, leaving many bachelor degreed graduates looking for work.  This is where IMS and AEMS have come together to provide a win-win solution.  

Australia EMS (AEMS) works as the arm of the partnership in Australia, providing recruitment, collecting required documentations, background checks, local support, personalized service and communications with IMS.   IMS is the USA arm collaborating with EMS providers, coordinating the education, licensing, visa process, travel, logistics and support for the applicants while on the ground in the US.  This partnership provides a continuity in support and process to ensure all applicants and EMS providers have a fantastic and seamless experience.


Once applicants are vetted by Australia EMS and meet the required criteria, they are then connected to International Medic Solutions (IMS), who will work with the applicant to align them with the employer of their choice.  Students will have the opportunity to review the individual agency's offer packages, locations, system models and duration of commitment.  IMS then works with our local Paramedic Program - Southwestern College, located in San Diego, California, where students will embark on their education experience. 


The first three months of the paramedic bridge program will take place online in Australia, working directly with Paramedic instructors at the college. Once that process has started,  IMS will work to coordinate interviews and Visa Sponsorships with the chosen employer, travel arrangements, housing, transportation and be the U.S. resource for all questions and guidance, giving a strong support model on both sides of the pond. 


IMS has a country-wide network of EMS providers for which students will have the option of choosing from.  Cohorts will run on four-month cycles with 12-30 students per cohort.  AEMS is currently taking applications.  The next cohort will be in June 2024.  Click here to learn more about the process and get started today.

Our Mission 

Our mission is to provide a unique experience that creates a more well-rounded and exceptional clinical provider while helping US based companies combat their staffing challenges, which will in turn support our EMS system and protect our communities.

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